Chretien's Chronicle: An Ars Magica Saga
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Join date : 2021-04-28

Minutes of the Tribunal of 1251 Empty Minutes of the Tribunal of 1251

Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:02 am
Opening Ceremony and raising the Aegis

Expression of thanks:
  • Thanks to House Mercere for providing the Vis for the Aegis.

Announcement of Newly Arrived/Gauntleted Magi:
  • Rosa ex Tremere filia Caesarius
  • Angus van Aard Ex Miscellanea
  • Alisan of Bjornear
  • Malaki ex Tremere.

Announcement of Masters
  • Abelard ex Bonisagus
  • Aisling ex Merinita
  • Renata ex Bonisagus
  • Radomir ex Tremere

Announcements of Changes to Stonehenge Covenants.
  • Wyrms Head was destroyed.

Additional announcements:
  • Marble reported that the enemy known as Damhan-Allaidh or the Spider, has been slain (Again) this time in the form of an infant in Normandy.

  • The state of Arbour Low was deemed a suitable library site.  As the price was only one of Silver, it was agreed that the Magi in question could have a whip around to fund the cost of the ship.

  • Marble's report on the state of the Moon did not have significant responses, but they were discussed.

  • Renata advised that a new lab text would be available in the Folio to warn covenants but was not present to explain her reasoning.

Issues of breaches of the code:
  • Charge of Deprivation of Magical Power against Brabonicum by Medril Sharp-Talon ex Bjornaer. She claimed that Brabonicum poached 2 apprentices from Inverness Covenant. (Rosa and Malachi of Tremere) and helped secure a Vis source for the Covenant of Beinn Mhòr that was not theirs to decide the fate of.
    The transfer of the Apprentices was deemed lawful and appropriate.
    Radomir secured good will by revealing details of the Vis source in question and paying the price that they were paid in turn by Beinn Mhòr. This was to the grudging satisfaction of Medrii.

  • Charge of interferring with Mundanes against Albrecht ex Verditius. Albrecht accepted punishment for interfering with mundanes but objected to the Vis fine being charged to his Sodales. It was agreed that Albrecht alone would pay the full cost of the fine in service or in kind, but the wand was still confiscated, as despite it being covenant property, it was directly held by Albrecht and its irresponsible use was the cause of deaths.

Other issues and amendments to the peripheral code:
  • The request to abolish mastery was defeated. Instead the requirement for Mastery to hold an apprentice was deferred to the next Tribunal to be revisited. This means that for the next 7 years there is no Mastery based restriction on taking an apprentice.

  • Aisling’s judgement about the Fruit of the Loins of Magi was interrupted by a Scottish visitor.

  • The Auction request was also interrupted.

Notes regarding the battle of Stonehenge:
Towards the end of the Tribunal, a Magus from Loch Leagan teleports in and stumbles into the Aegis surrounding Stonehenge. His ears are bleeding, and he just manages to say "They are coming" before a group of people looking like Brauduin of Tremere surround the area. Battle begins and spells are thrown at the Braudins, who seem to lack any kind of Magic resistance. As they reach the edge of the Aegis they somehow brings it down, and several of the Brauduins begin attacking the Magi with weapons. Shortly after this they all toss the bells they have in their hands towards the centre of the stone circle. Radomir panics and fast casts a clay dome around the most central magi, followed by Angus covers the one bell that made it inside with dirt.
Outside of the dome Tanhauser, Guilbert, and Marble of Criamon are fighting the Brauduins, and Marble notices that only one of the bells tossed have magic. She tries to mute it with Perdo Imaginem Magic, however before her spell goes off the spell grows to its original massive size and the spell fails to affect it. Zacharias, currently in wolf form, however manages to shatter it with a spontaneous spell. He however knocks himself out with the effort of doing so. Braudin screams a angry "NOOOOOOOO!" as his handiwork is destroyed. A very wounded Tanhauser, teleports home to Wychwood. The battle continues for a bit, Guilbert is surounded by Brauduins, and one of them casts Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart on him. Guilbert however Fast Casts a spell to grow himself to the point where the spell cannot affect him.
Lorelei then casts a entangling spell that goes overboard (exploding dice getting a total of 290 on a level 25 spell) which disables the majority of the remaining Brauduins. Followed by the grogs of Stonehenge finally arriving to back up the Magi.
At this point all of them seems to be casting Leap of Homecoming, and one of them vanishes. Brabonicum buys all of Witby's potions, to heal Radomir, Zacharias, and Tanhauser who were the only wounded Magi. The fake Brauduins turns out to be mercenaries and peasants who had gotten mind controlled.
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